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Hard and Fluffy

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  • Work byHuiqun Xu
    Rong Tang

    Supervised by Louise Healy Adonis
    Lucy Charlotte Sanderson
  • Published on Nov 2023
Anthropocentrism is deeply embedded in the practices and cultural norms of healthcare. It is a common belief that animals are mainly used to satisfy and meet human needs, such as their participation in animal testing and drug development.

In some cases, animals also have a role in therapeutic interventions. This raises the fundamental issue of whether humans should treat animals only as tools for their own advantage. It also questions whether animals are sufficiently respected and protected as they contribute to human well-being. In the field of art, the aim is to create works that challenge the viewer, including installation art and costume design, with a mission to reveal the inherent absurdity and irony of anthropocentrism.


Animals are essential for many patients in modern society, as they help them extend their lives or coexist with them, such as guide dogs, rescue dogs and emotional support animals. However, the emotions and rights of these animals are often overlooked by people, resulting in harm and problems for them. For instance, guide dogs are frequently exposed to severe training and unjust treatment in training facilities.

They are commonly confined in small cages with insufficient exercise or recreation, in order to create the “perfect” guide dog. Such excessive punishment and unsuitable training methods, including electroshock and hanging, not only inflict physical pain and psychological trauma on the dogs, but also diminish their effectiveness and lifespan.

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